Department of Energy Engineering established in 2011-2012 academic year have 15 permanent teachers and one associated teacher. Together, they provide training of energy specialists, according to the trends in the labor market.
Energy specialists assumes the mission to identify energy sources and resources, to decrease and optimize energy consumption through knowing the phenomena that governs this field and other related fields.
Energy Engineering Department has adopted the European Credit Transfer System, providing training at all three levels: Bachelor degree programs (4 years), Master degree programs (2 years) and PhD Studies (3 years).
The main fields of the curriculum are: Energy Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Engineering and Management.
Skills developed by graduating of study programs are defined in the curricula and include:
• Usage of the achieved knowledge concerning the environmental impact and the operation principle of electric and thermal power generation, transport and distribution;
• Explanation, interpretation and analysis the general and specific concepts of the technological processes that occur in energy utilization systems;
• Solving tasks related to the design, operation and maintenance of equipment that belongs to electric and power systems;
• Usage of the basic elements of power system management in accordance with the legislation and energy market policy;
• Creative and innovative usage of basic knowledge in modeling, designing and exploiting the electric power networks;
• Applying – under limited conditions of autonomy and responsibility- of the basic knowledge of automation, control and operation of electric power systems;
• Project development regarding the equipment and other specific components of renewable energy systems;
• Operation and maintenance of equipment and other components specific to renewable energy conversion;
• Quality planning, management, assurance and control, as well as implement the renewable energy systems;
• Develop and evaluate the technical, economic and financial flows (movements) at any business level, and manage the technical, economic and financial phenomena;
• Technical and technological design of processes belonging to electric, electronic and energy engineering systems, structures and industry, according to quality requirements;
• Management and control the companies and processes of the specific study program: project management and company management for electric, electronic and energy engineering field.